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Oct 11, 2009

I'm Back!!

Posted by Harish kk

I'm Back!! 
LINUX 38 which is also know as Linux 2038.

Linux 2038 is similar to Y2K problem. Y2K is also know as Millennium bug, at the begin of century 2000 many non-Y2K compliant software and hardware systems may interpret the year 2000 as 1900, since they interpret year with last two digits i.e 1900 as 00 and 1999 as 99, so year 2000 would be represented as 00, so is it representing 1900 or 2000 ? but which actually represented 1900, this is know as Y2K.

The year 2038, January 19th GMT 03:14:07 after this critical second, computer system which includes an Unix systems - Operating system or Embedded hardware system, or an Application may show incorrect or confusing date. This Linux 38 bug may cause worldwide system failures, especially the system which running on Unix or Unix flavours.

The most of the Unix or Unix flavours Operating system used in the devices such as LCD TVs, Hospital Life support system, Satellite systems, Car dashboard navigation system, Space probe systems, many legacy systems, Servers which still has 32 bit platform and many more like, which may incur huge transition cost for fixing the bug.

The root cause of the bug is that, many Unix or Unix flavour Operating system do not calculate time in terms of Georgian calendar, but simply they count up the seconds since the reference time GMT 00:00:00 Thursday, January 1, 1970 C.E .

Unix uses 32 bit signed time_t (which is integer) so largest possible value this integer can hold up is 2,147,483,647 which corresponds to GMT 3:14:07, Tuesday, January 19, 2038 since their reference time. One second later after this critical second, the Unix system may revert to their reference time which is GMT 00:00:00 1970 C.E because of the end sign bit, which may flip over. Following information I compiled from the Internet, the below information helps each system identifying the computer which may fall prey to the bug.
This is perl scrip.

# I've seen a few versions of this algorithm
# online, I don't know who to credit. I assume
# this code to by GPL unless proven otherwise.
# Comments provided by William Porquet, February 2004.
# You may need to change the line above to
# reflect the location of your Perl binary
# (e.g. "#!/usr/local/bin/perl").
# Also change this file's name to ''.
# Don't forget to make this file +x with "chmod".
# On Linux, you can run this from a command line like this:
# ./
use POSIX;
# Use POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface),
# a set of standard operating system interfaces.
$ENV{'TZ'} = "GMT";
# Set the Time Zone to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) for date calculations.
for ($clock = 2147483641; $clock < 2147483651; $clock++)
    print ctime($clock);
# Count up in seconds of Epoch time just before and after the critical event.
# Print out the corresponding date in Gregorian calendar for each result.
# Are the date and time outputs correct after the critical event second?

For example, the output of this script on Debian GNU/Linux (kernel 2.4.22):
# ./
Tue Jan 19 03:14:01 2038
Tue Jan 19 03:14:02 2038
Tue Jan 19 03:14:03 2038
Tue Jan 19 03:14:04 2038
Tue Jan 19 03:14:05 2038
Tue Jan 19 03:14:06 2038
Tue Jan 19 03:14:07 2038
Fri Dec 13 20:45:52 1901
Fri Dec 13 20:45:52 1901
Fri Dec 13 20:45:52 1901

The only solution from my point of view is upgrading the hardware and software system from 32-bit to 64 bit.
From technical point of view ,this bug will cause a major disastrous to many organization, many Embedded hardware system, financial crisis. Lets prepare ourself for the worst. :)

Sep 24, 2009

All Posts

Posted by Harish kk


Posted by Harish kk

Astrology is the science of stars, and is based on ‘belief’ that the position of the planets and stars in the sky influence human life. Astrology is ancient, divine and mammoth subject, ancient people have spend their entire life Researching, proving and even developing to the higher, so the term ‘belief’ may not hold much in the context of Astrology. Many people think Astrology is superstitious and blindly say ‘I don’t believe it’.

Astrology has a ‘SCIENCE’ component in it to support the significance of its existence. Let me be clear, Astrology is neither Religion nor Mythology so there is no question of Astrology being Superstitious. According to my understanding all planets and moons in our Solar system effect or influence our life cycle. The planetary position at the time of birth lay our destiny path, where and when we are likely to meet challenges, joys and happiness. Our birth time is actually the starting time of our journey on this earth. Planetary position at the time of birth will reflect its course, progress, success and failures.

There are few people in this world, who mastered the Astrology and knows how to use it and also know how to make a correct prediction. Even if we meet those people we will not get 100% accurate prediction because how sure that we give them precise inputs. Inputs are most likely our DOB, Birth time, Birth place. Now why prediction can go wrong ? most of the time our input go wrong. How sure our Birth time is correct?, how sure the nurse might have recorded the correct time?, how sure the watch she recorded the time is accurate?, so no doubt the prediction can go wrong, since every second the planets and moons changes the position.

Most of people think Astrology needs Spirituality for its existence.  I believe both are two difference entities.

There is an amazing synchronization in the universe. Everything is perfectly timed well. Eg: During time when inimical planets Sun and Saturn are at loggerheads, during this period many prominent luminaries like india’s first prime minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, prime minister Indira Gandhi, Lal Bahadur Shastri, chief minister YSR Reddy have lost the life. God has given power to improve our destiny, we can change our course of destiny through our karma.

Follow the Path of Good karma filled with confidence, honest, belief in GOD and yourself, then we will meet success in our life.

Note: Some of the Knowledge i shared here was part collected from TOI.

Sep 21, 2009

Technology i grew up with.

Posted by Harish kk

Technology i grew up with.

Sep 20, 2009


Posted by Harish kk

Little Master Raaghav and Jasmine

IBM experience

Up Up in the Air. Parasailing


Posted by Harish kk

What ? ok.

Hello everybody.
Hey you can call me Harish or kk, I am crazy fan of Austin 3:16, i am open for ideas, wanna share something interesting then just drop in my weblog, Thats the bottom line becoz i said so :)

Sep 2, 2009


Posted by Harish kk

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